
FerRobotics - FerRobotics ACF-K Active Contact Flange-Kit Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates

product infomation

Weight: 0.5 (in Kg)

Flexible automation kit The versatile and user-friendly plug & play tools are suitable for surface processing of almost all shapes and materials. Tool change ingeniously simple and flexible. User-friendly package solution For a broad variety of surface treatments e.g. grinding, sanding, polishing, cleaning, stripping paint, brushing, deburring, etc. For a large variety of materials e.g. steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramic, coconut fiber, etc. Modular and flexible, therefore quicker tool change Individual control of all process parameters: feed rate of the robot, speed of the tools and contact force on the surface Precisely even surface appearance thanks to a process-optimized package solution Automated tolerance compensation No post-processing Even contact force: the entire system is force calibrated and ensures precise application of force Minimal programming effort and almost no start-up time Automates almost all manual grinding, sanding, polishing, cleaning, stripping, brushing, deburring work

Key Feautures

FerRobotics Active Contact Flange-Kit (ACF-Kit) is configured specifically for use with Techman cobots and helps users to integrate and automate sanding, grinding, and surface finishing work with ease. It is arguably the simplest, most flexible, and most versatile Techman Plug&Play End-Effector that is currently available on the market. The large selection of specially adapted Dynabrade Power Tools (Orbital sander, angular grinder, polisher, beltfile, jitterbug, and many more) complete the end-of-arm tooling quality package and cover an extremely wide range of applications. Easy to integrate and simple to maintain.

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